One tool, total control
Imagine all of your accounts, bills, transfers, reports, goals and more all in one place. With UGRU's Budget Tool you can conveniently manage your finances from one dashboard.Ā
If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.

We promise simple, not magic
Budgeting with UGRU Budget Tool is super simple, but building good habits and staying on top of bills is NOT effortless.
Who said your money is a spectator sport? It’s not, and a fancy bank feed to your budget software will not give you the financial change you desire, for that you need to be participant in your own money!

Optimize your debt payoff strategy
Getting out of debt is an exciting goal to set! There are several ways to pay down your debt between the snowball and avalanche methods, or you can set the order of payoff you feel best.
UGRU’s budget tool allows you to compare how each method works for you. But, if you REALLY want to know the best way, use our “Optimize” button and find out in a snap.
Once you have your debt payoff plan, you can track your goals with ease.

Graduate Just-in-time Bill Pay
We have bill pay reminders like the other budget tools, but this is not what will change your financial life.
To gain true control over your money, you must stop paying bills when you are told to pay them. You need to be on a single payment plan if you want control in your court.
Finally, you can take the fight to your bills!

Stay one step ahead
Why pay for software that tells you the same thing your bank does such a good job at - what you ALREADY spent your money on? UGRU helps you stay one step ahead with the Forecasting Feature.

Your Gateway to Wealth
Your shiny new budget tool is just the beginning. UGRU offers a full suite of ways to build wealth from beginner to the expert.

We aren’t “sell outs”
We will never advertise mutual funds, credit cards or loan products. We want for your success and do this by educating you how to arrive at your own best choices.

Know where you stand BEFORE it happens
UGRU's Budget Tool is different from anything you’ve tried before. UGRU helps you focus where you WANT your money to go, NOT where Advertising and Marketing agencies ENTICE you to spend it.
- UGRU's Forecasting feature can save you from those “gotcha” moments.
- Armed with Forecasting ability, you'll know if that "awesome" new product (that you just have to have) will break you before next pay day. It's time to stick it to the marketing agencies and their clients who prey on your wallet!
Play offense with your bills
- Monitor bills all at once on the calendar.
- Work toward a single payment plan to reduce time, confusion and fees.
- Easily see when funds are low, so you can manage your money like an insider.

Money is not a Spectator Sport.
Play offense with UGRU's new Budget Tool and forecasting functionality!

Simple to use, easy to understand
UGRU gives you budget categories to help you construct your budget. Use default spending categories or rename and re-categorize expense categories as you see fit. With UGRU’s categorization features, it’s easy to improve spending behavior through easy to read reports.
See all the details
- Easily split multi-categories from one transaction. Buying groceries, clothing and gifts all at one store just got alot less confusing.
- Track in real time how your income and spending is affecting your checking, savings and cash balances by your next pay day, next month, next quarter and by the end of the year.
- See who is doing the spending to develop better habits.

A Dedicated Team In Your Corner with World class financial education and coaching
Don’t go it alone! Every great performer has a coach. Let us help you past your limiting money beliefs, provide world-class knowledge that translates into real world personal finance skills and pull you up to the best financial version of yourself!
Improve your finances in just a few minutes!
It’s free and easy to get started.
We believe in your right to privacy
We keep no credit card information. All transactions are completed thru Stripe and we will only communicate with you about UGRU products and services.
We use the data you share with us to help you reach your financial goals while giving you choices on how we collect and share it. You also have the power to download, update, and delete your data right from your Account without having to call or email us.

We take your security serious
You can rest easy knowing your information is secured through offsite data storage, back up and disaster recovery and redundant locations.
- Access with unique username and password.
- Remote access from anywhere.
- Let’s Encrypt (Registered Trademark of Linux Foundation) security scanning.
- Industry leading encryption strength and security headers.
Get Started!
Sign up today to get access to your 14 Day Free Trial and take the first steps to financial prosperity!